Pitcher Tequila Cocktail Recipes

Neurita Frosé Rose Margarita Pitcher Recipe - Makes 8
It’s always Frosé Rose season with Neurita! Delicious pink Frozen margaritas anytime of the year, but particularly in the warmer months. Neurita Frosé Rose Margaritas are simple, fresh way to make your margarita even more refreshing.
1: 500ml Neurita Rosa Tequila
2: 400ml Lime Juice (we use Funkin Lime Concentrate)
3: 2 Pomegranate Juice or Cordial (adjust to taste)
4: Lots of ice
Place all ingredients in a blender with ice and blend. Adjust amounts of each ingredient to you preference. Option to add still water to adjust consistency of your batch Frozen Margaritas.

Neurita Frozen Margarita Pitcher Recipe - Makes 8
Take your classic margarita to a new level with a Frozen Margarita. We have always been a lover of Margaritas, but also frozen margaritas. Delicious anytime of the year, but particularly in the warmer months. Neurita classic agave frozen margaritas are a simple, fresh way to make your margarita even more refreshing. Only 3 ingredients needed, we cut out the need for triple sec making Neurita Margaritas Lower in sugar than regular Margs. Use our Tequila Citrus for a classic margarita or our Tequila Rosa for a sweeter strawberry/pomegranate margarita
1: 500ml Neurita Citrus Tequila
2: 400ml Lime Juice (we use Funkin Lime Concentrate)
3: 2 table spoons Agave Syrup (adjust to taste)
4: Lots of ice
Place all ingredients in a blender with ice and blend. Adjust amounts of each ingredient to you preference. Option to add still water to adjust consistency of your batch Frozen Margs.

Classic Margarita Pitcher Recipe - Makes 8
Classic Margaritas are the Tequila cocktails where Neurita tequila was born from. We have always been a lover of Margaritas, but wanted to find a simpler way to make delicious Margaritas every time. Neurita classic agave margaritas are a simple, fresh way to make an old favourite. Only 3 ingredients needed, we cut out the need for triple sec making Neurita Margaritas Lower in sugar than regular Margs. Use our Tequila Citrus for a classic margarita or our Tequila Rosa for a sweeter strawberry/pomegranate margarita
1: 500ml or a double shot of Neurita Flavoured Tequila
2: 400ml of Fresh Lime Juice (we use Funkin Lime Concentrate).
3: 2 tablespoons of Agave Syrup
4: Lots of ice
Place ice in a large jug, then all remaining ingredients. Adjust amounts of each ingredient to your taste preference. Option to add still water to adjust strength. To make your Neurita Margarita extra special this Marg O'clock, take Margarita glass, wipe lime juice around the rim and roll it in salt to rim it. Pour your perfect Margarita into the glass and garnish with lime to

Neurita Classic Paloma Pitcher Recipe - Makes 8
Neurita is the perfect Tequila for Margaritas but also mixing in Tequila Mexican cocktails. The Neurita Paloma is the perfect example of this, our Tequila Citrus’s zesty and smooth notes compliment grapefruit in a Paloma cocktail.
1: 500ml Neurita Citrus Tequila
2: 400ml of Grapefruit Soda / Juice
3: 50ml Lime juice ( optional)
4: Lots of ice
5: Top with Soda
Place ice in a large jug, add other ingredients. Pour into glasses and garnish with a slice of Grapefruit. Both grapefruit soda or juice works as an alternative to fresh grapefruit juice and soda

Neurita Margarita Spritz Pitcher Recipe - Makes 8
Neurita Tequila was crafted for Margaritas, in the process we experimented with an evolution on the classic Margarita. Our signature cocktail, the Margarita Spritz was born. The Neurita Margarita Spritz is a modern, fresh take on an old classic. Sip smart on our Neurita Margarita Spritz, as it has ONLY 64 CALORIES per serve when you use plain soda or a diet citrus soda in the recipe below. A delicious choice this summer
1: 500ml or a double shot of Neurita Flavoured Tequila
2: 500ml Citrus Soda
3: 50ml fresh lime juice
4: Lots of ice
Place ice in a large jug and add other ingredients. Adjust amounts of each ingredient to you preference. Option to add still water to adjust strength. Stir and pour into a spritz glass with ice. For something a little special at Marg O'clock, you can garnish with fresh lime if you are using Tequila Citrus or berries if you are using Tequila Rosa.